About Me

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My Story

And then it happens... One day you wake up and you're in this place. You're in this place where everything feels right. Your heart is calm. Your soul is lit. Your thoughts are positive. Your vision is clear. You're at peace, at peace with where you've been, at peace with what you've been through and at peace with where you're headed.

It all started when...

I became an empty nester and a widow in a short time frame.  I chose not to return to my previous career but needed something to inspire me and make me feel passionate about.  I have always been an extroverted introvert and had been on my own spiritual path off and on for many years.

What first sparked my fire was yoga and I attended a month long training in Winnipeg in 2017 with Siobhan Keely from Vancouver. I had no intention of actually instructing yoga and simply was doing it for my own health physically, mentally and spiritually.  By the end of that 200 hour yoga training I knew I had to share this with others and love it!!

After Yoga training, I found myself looking and searching for more energy healing courses - both for my own interest but possibly as a way to assist others in their healing and on their own paths.

I couldn’t stop! It went from Access Bars, to Raindrop Technique, to Reiki, and Yoga Nidra.  I have discovered that I am not the kind of person who can just do something like education only halfway.  I could not just attend yoga, I had to become an instructor.  I could not be content with first or second levels of Reiki,  I had to become a Reiki Master.  I could not just take a few hour Raindrop Technique course, I had to… well… you will have to read all of that in the Raindrop Technique part of the website!!  I could not take an online Yoga Nidra course, I had to travel to BC and take a 100 hour 10 day course with testing, homework every night, and demonstrations to pass!  With Access Bars, I have been able to provide sessions for people for a few years now but of course plan to take the next course so I can teach it.

I can sure spend a lot of money on courses and the travel to get to them. That is all part of my passion.  I get to learn and travel at the same time.  Win!!!  I need to put more energy into making money!!  But at the end of the day all is well as I enjoy all the courses I have taken and do not regret any of them.

Absolute Serenity was spawned when I decided to teach yoga, but now is the umbrella for all the healing modalities I offer.  


The benefits

I'm consistently improving my offerings and services, and pride myself in creating connections with my members and delivering the most personalized wellness experience possible.

Holistic Well-being

Improved Wellness

Stress Reduction and Relaxation

Enhanced Mental Clarity

Emotional Healing and Self-Awareness

Supportive Community